Meet the talented people who are coming to entertain and party with us this year!
Performer Bios


Who's playing where and what times!


Learn from the pros about how to get your songs noticed!

Festival Roots...

Songwriters are a dedicated, unique group whose mission is to evoke emotions and tell stories through music. Few people know of the passion and dedication that is part of the songwriting process. In many instances, this wonderful music goes unheard. But if one is fortunate enough, the right recording artist may hear and like a song enough to record it, and the whole world gets to enjoy it. The Mississippi Songwriters’ Festival recognizes and celebrates the work of the songwriter.
We chose the City of Ocean Springs, MS to host this four day event because of its dedication to the arts. Professional songwriters from Nashville, TN and from our own state will be sharing their craft through acoustic performances held simultaneously at various "intimate" venues. You'll be up close and personal with some of the most prolific writers you may not know by name...but you will recognize their hit songs.

In addition, these same professionals will be sharing their expertise and guiding those interested in songwriting at several workshops. It's a chance to learn from the best there is in the industry.

Join the MSA!

The Mississippi Songwriters Alliance is a non-profit organization with a mission to support, educate and showcase professional and aspiring songwriters from the state of Mississippi.
find out more